Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ubuntu, Openoffice, AnyRemote!

So I had this presentation in office and I thought of 'showcasing' ubuntu!

Had some trouble getting anyRemote to work on Ubuntu with Nokia E51, but eventually met with success. Initially I tried to download the .gz files from and compile them myself. After resolving a few compiler dependencies, i could, configure, make and install. But I was still clueless and thought 'nothing seem to happen'

Eventually this is what worked well for me. And darn pretty simple too.

Make sure your Open office Impress presentation is loaded.

1. I downloaded and installed the java client for mobiles. Link

2. Instead of using the .gz files from sourceforge, I installed anyremote from the ubuntu repositories.

So I searched the Synaptic Package manager for gAnyRemote and installed it.

3. Start ganyremote on Ubuntu

In a terminal, type ganyremote

I got a message, saying 'Bluetooth service is not active', I ignored it.

ganyremote starts and an icon is visible in the top right panel.

4.Click on the icon and it will display a window with a list of applications.

5. I clicked on Open Office Impress and clicked 'Start'. The status changed to 'Managed'

6. Then I launced anyremote on mobile (Nokia E51).

7. Then from the options menu, I clicked 'Enter BT address'.

8. You need to know your PC's bluetooth address. For this type hcitool dev  in any Ubuntu terminal. Note down the 12 char address. Enter this address in your mobile (option 7 above). The format will be something like this btspp://0008F4163049:19 (the address in bold will be your PC's bluetooth address. Rest remains the same)

9. Now I switched to the impress presentation and using the keypad on mobile, I was able to control the presentation!

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