Monday, November 16, 2009

What I love about Thunderbird 3

At the time of writing, I have been using Thunderbird 3 Beta 4. It does have some bugs, but overall it has very good and important features.

1. Thunderbird has now officially replaced Opera as my RSS reader. Its easy to import existing RSS feeds using Add Account -> Blogs and News Feeds --> Finish. Account Settings -> Blogs and News Feeds --> Manage Subscriptions --> Import XML or OPML

2. While browsing a website using Firefox, you can simply ask Firefox to open the RSS in Thunderbird instead of its Live Bookmarks or Google Reader.

3. I use Thunderbird's Favorite folders option more than the Smart Folders. In this way, I get to see only the folders (Inbox@gmail1, Inbox@gmail2) that I want, across multiple gmail accounts.

4. Over a period of time, while reading RSS one tends to have several 'ToDo' tags. It is easy to create a 'Search' folder called ToDo that will show all ToDo RSS's in one place.
Right Click RSS account --> Search -> (Add rule that says 'Tags | contains | To Do' -> Search. Then Save as Search Folder. Enter the required folder and other details and you are done. I then add this search folder to my Favorite list. Note, I always use the Favorite Folders view.

5. While reading an email or RSS news item, pressing space bar takes you to the next unread item in the next folder/account. Pretty handy when your mind is in reading mode.

6. I get to share the same Thunderbird profile across my Ubuntu and Windows. No duplicate mailboxes, no waste of disk space. All settings are shared! This has to be THE best thing about mozilla (works for Firefox too)

- Message Filter function is still buggy as of Thunderbird 3 b4, but I don't use it anyways

Tip: To see and manage your existing Feed subscribtions, simply right click on any existing RSS feed in your Thunderbird and Subscribe. This will save some time. Conventionally, you would use Account Settings --> RSS account --> Manage Subscriptions.