Here is how I installed MySQL 5.1 Community Edition on Ubuntu Jaunty:
1. Install MySQL
Goto Synaptic Package Manager and in quick search type 'mysql-server-5.1' (without quotes). From the list that will be provided, choose to install package with name mysql-server-5.1. It will show you all the dependencies and proceed to install.
Alternately you can use apt-get command.
sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.1
1a. During the installation it will prompt for a password. Enter password of your choice.
1b. Confirm the password. Make sure installation completes successfully
2. Test the installation
To test the installation, type the following in Terminal.
mysql --user=root --password=yourpassword
"Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \ g.
Your MySQL connection id is 53
Server version: 5.1.31-1ubuntu2 (Ubuntu)
Type 'help;' or '\ h' for help. Type '\ c' to clear the buffer."
After this you should be able to see the prompt change to
3. Use the mysql database.
mysql> use mysql;
"Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed"
4. Now see the tables present in the database
mysql> show tables;
This will display all the tables present in the database.
MySQL has been successfully installed.
In the next post I ll show how I configured Eclipse to talk to MySQL!
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